UENR - School of Sciences
School of Sciences began operations with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Department of Computer Science in 2013.
School of Sciences began operations with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Department of Computer Science in 2013.
The main objective of this Department is to conduct competitive research and produce high-quality graduates and scientists who are fit for industries and research institutions. The Department researches a wide range of topics and targets both fundamental and practical applications of applied biology. Research activities are organized broadly in the following fields: Haematology, Histotechnology, Microbiology, Chemical Pathology, Molecular Biology, Genetic Sequencing, Nanotech-Biodiagnostics, Diagnostic Imagery, Public Health, Infectious Disease Control, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Non-Communicable Diseases among others.
Our program is not only theory based. Students have the opportunity to go to the lab several hours in a week to practice what they have been taught in the lecture rooms.
Third year students have the opportunity to have in-school attachment where they get the opportunity to work in the industry to have practical knowledge in what happens in the various industries.
Students are exposed to the multiple streams of Biology where they can specialize. In this regard, students are not restricted to be focused on one or two biology areas.
Students have the opportunity to embark on field trips at least once a semester.
Students also have the opportunity to be involved in exchange programs with other universities across the world.
Biological Sciences students go on to work in a range of different fields, within and outside of science. Six major fields are:
Biological Scientists can also further into Medicine, Ecology, Forestry, Dentistry, Forensic Science, Agriculture, Horticulture and Allied Services, Healthcare, Food Processing and Technology, Physical Education, Aerospace and Aviation, Marine Science, Law and any other science related career.
BSc. Medical Laboratory Science is a four-year bachelor programme recognized by the Allied Health Professional Council of Ghana. Medical Laboratory Science provides clues that are key in the diagnosis and treatment of disease or injury. Laboratory professionals are the detectives of the health care world. This field is the center of the health sector. A mistake made in this field affects all other departments in the health sector. An estimated 60 to 70 percent of all decisions regarding a patient's diagnosis, treatment, hospital admission, and discharge are based on the results of the tests from the clinical laboratory. Laboratory tests performed help monitor the composition of our blood, urine, and other body fluids and tissues for early warning signs of disease.
The field of study comprises of four main divisions namely; Haematology, Microbiology, Chemical Pathology/Clinical Chemistry/Biochemistry and Histotechnology.
Anyone who goes through this field of study successfully becomes a Medical Laboratory Scientist, Clinical Laboratory Science (CLS), Laboratory Medicine, or Clinical Medicine. With additional training and experience, a Medical Lab Scientist can become a Department Lead or Lab Manager. Others may seek specializations to advance their careers. Academic achievements and technical ability set the level of responsibility one reach in Medical Laboratory Science.
Medical Laboratory Scientists are healthcare professionals highly trained in the art and technology of clinical laboratory medicine. They are the detectives of the medical world and perform diagnostic tests to assist the physician in the treatment of patients. The data found plays an important role in identifying and treating cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other medical conditions. Clinical laboratory scientists perform a variety of laboratory tests to ensure the accuracy of the test results, explain the significance of laboratory test results, and evaluate new methods for laboratory tests.
Medical laboratory scientists have a wide variety of responsibilities and duties. Inclusive of these are:
- Examining and analyzing blood, body fluids, tissues, and cells
- Relaying test results to physicians
- Utilizing microscopes, cell counters, and other high-precision lab equipment
- Cross-matching blood for transfusion
- Monitoring patient outcomes
- Performing differential cell counts looking for abnormal cells to aid in the diagnosis of anemia and leukemia
- Establishing quality assurance programs to monitor and ensure the accuracy of test results
- Overseeing the work of medical laboratory technicians
Upon completion of the program, you have a wealth of career options. Potential worksites include:
Clinical laboratory scientists can further study Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Forensic Science, Business or Management, Hospital Administration, Computer Science, Education, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Microbiology, Immunology, or another Laboratory Science area.
It is expected of every Medical Laboratory Scientist to have a certified license after School. One is expected to write a Licensure exam after national service and be given a certified License by the Allied Health Professional Council of Ghana.